We all love spending time in the bathroom; we get to unwind in the tub after a long day or take a nice warm shower before hopping into bed. But it’s also where bugs like to hang out!

Insects are everywhere. You see them in your garden, at the beach, and even inside your home. One of the places that you will find a variety of insects is in bathrooms.

Bathrooms are particularly hospitable to bugs for two reasons: moisture and food. You might think (wrongly so) that there’s nothing to worry about because you’ve noticed just one pesky little moth flying around or one cockroach that you manage to crush under your slippers.

But it always starts with one, then suddenly, there are tens or even hundreds of them crawling and flying around your bathroom, turning your relaxation spot into a hall of nightmares.

So, what are the most common bathroom bugs? I surveyed 10 exterminators from various parts of the country and found there are 10 bugs exterminators find in most bathrooms.

In this blog post, I will highlight (with pictures) what exterminators believe to be the most common bugs in bathrooms across the country. I’ll also reveal what exterminators believe are the best strategies to prevent bugs from bugging you in the bathroom.

Most common bugs found in bathrooms

    1. Silverfish. All exterminators surveyed agreed that silverfish are among the most common bugs found in bathrooms.

      These bugs are often found near cool areas of high humidity, such as showers and sinks, and love to make their homes in dark corners.

      According to Big Blue Bug Solutions, the presence of silverfish in your home could indicate a more serious issue such as leaky pipes, damage to your home’s foundation, or clogged gutters.

      Silverfish are easily identifiable by their long antennae and pencil-thin bodies. They are also pretty fast! These little bugs have a unique way of moving, with an undulating movement like that of a snake, and will usually run when you turn on the lights.

      Silverfish come in various shades from silvery grey to almost black; the only color you’ll find is their antennae which have been described as thread-like but cannot easily be seen due to how fine it is.

      To detect the presence of silverfish in your bathroom, watch out for a yellowish powder released by the bugs while molting. You may also notice holes in boxes, wallpaper as they love eating starch-rich foods, including adhesive glue.

    1. Firebrats. A close relative of silverfish, firebrats also love dark, humid crevices. They get their name from the fact that they emit chemicals and radiate heat from their hind end to ward off predators.

      As for the appearance of firebrats, they are about one centimeter long and have a reddish-brown color. They are mostly scavengers and will feed on any debris or organic matter they find nearby, including paper, and fabrics.

      Firebrats prefer an environment with high humidity, like your bathtub drain-but, not so much water that their eggs can be destroyed! They need just enough moisture so that dirt doesn’t dry out completely where they live and breed.

    1. Earwigs. Earwigs are often found in dark, damp areas of the home such as bathrooms and basements. These bugs can grow up to an inch long and have a pinched-in body that is designed for life close to the ground.

      They also have pincers at their rear end which they use for defense against predators or unwanted mating partners! You might find them hiding out under bathroom sinks near water leaks because they love wet environments.

    1. Cockroaches. Cockroaches are among the most common household pests, but you may notice them more than usual in your bathroom if there’s high humidity or clutter like stacks of laundry.

      They feed on a variety of things, but inside the bathroom, they prefer to dine on human and pet feces. This makes the bathroom the perfect environment for cockroaches to live and breed.

      They are nocturnal pests, so if you’re not seeing or hearing them in the daytime it could be because they’re hiding out.

      Cockroaches love moisture, but also require some form of shelter such as cracks or crevices where they can hide when disturbed by humans or pets.

      When looking for these pests, it’s best to check in pipes that might be hidden behind walls and under sinks due to their preference for dark spaces with water nearby!

    1. Moths. Moths enjoy resting on bathroom ceilings and walls – this is because they are attracted to light sources or heat given off by appliances like your water heater or dryer.

      These insects can lie dormant for months at a time before emerging from their cocoons!

    1. Mites. Mites feed on skin cells whenever they find themselves inside bathrooms with insufficient ventilation.

      These minute bugs usually hang out near sinks and bathtubs where humidity and grime are high thanks to bathing products such as soap or conditioner left behind after use. You might also see them crawling up walls in humid rooms due to their affinity for warm places!

      Dust mites are one of the most common types of mites found in bathrooms and are known to cause respiratory issues such as allergies and asthma.

    1. House centipedes. House centipedes also love damp areas such as bathrooms or basements. Their speed is impressive for a bug their size, making them difficult to catch.

      They are easily identifiable by their long antennae. House centipedes also have lots of little legs, and are predators meaning they’ll attack other bugs – including roaches! This could be a good thing, except house centipedes are also pests!

    1. Spiders. Spiders are found all over the world, and some species are found in bathrooms! They range in size from small to large and can be easily identified by their eight legs.

      Most spiders found in bathrooms are usually either black or brown. These species also have tough bodies designed to withstand dry conditions, so they’re very unlikely to die when exposed to a lack of moisture for an extended period.

      A major reason that you might see spiders in the bathroom is that they are attracted to the high humidity levels in your bathroom.

      Spiders need water just like humans do, but unlike us, these insects prefer environments that are too humid for people such as showers or basins.

    1. Drain flies. These pests are found near sinks and other areas where food or water is present. You can also find them on bathroom walls near the toilet.

      They love moist environments such as close to soiled toilets and will often make themselves at home along with ceilings above them for hours until they find their next meal.

      Another part of the bathroom where you are likely to find drain flies is around drains. They typically hang out here because there is easy access to decaying organic matter.

How to prevent bugs from invading your bathroom

To keep your bathroom bug-free, you have to make it inhospitable to the little critters. This involves removing their food sources and environments in which they thrive. All the pest control professionals we surveyed recommended the following steps:

    1. Keep the bathroom dry. Keeping humidity in check will stop these 9 common bugs in most bathrooms from breeding in your home. You can achieve this by keeping your bathroom at temperatures below 60°F.

      Placing a dehumidifier in your bathroom is a great way to achieve this. Click here to check out a comprehensive post I wrote about how a dehumidifier can save you and your bathroom.

    1. Fix all plumbing issues. Clogged toilets, sinks, and drains are not only a nuisance, but can also serve as an all-you-can-eat buffet for bugs.

      Consider using drain stoppers to stop bugs from going up or down your drains. You could also fix minor clog issues by pouring boiling water down drains or using clog-bursting solutions available in local and online stores.

      However, if your clog issues are more significant, a local plumber should effectively sort any underlying plumbing issues around your bathroom.

      Take note if you find yourself constantly calling your plumber to fix a toilet clog, it could be time to install a clog-free one.

      Click here to find out all you need to know about this wonder fixture in a blog post I wrote recently.

    1. Seal off cracks. Seal all crevices, especially those at ground level, which act as entryways for bugs into your bathroom. I am a huge fan of using waterproof caulk around the bathroom for this.
    1. Secure screens around window frames. This involves fixing or replacing torn screens.
    1. Clean and vacuum regularly. Dirt and dust are the perfect breeding ground for most household pests. Keep your entire house clean to deny them easy access to food and hiding spots.

Related Read: 12 ways your bathroom can make you sick: And remedies

    1. Deal with bug issues in other rooms. Bugs can crawl or fly easily from room to room. Keeping your entire house bug-free is the only guaranteed way to keep them out of your bathroom.
  1. Chemical treatment. This is typically the last course of action unless there’s a major infestation. If this is the case, speak to a pest control professional.

Pro Tip: Exterminators always inspect the area to find the source of infestation before beginning any treatment. You could do this also by shining a light in dark crevices around your bathroom.

You’ll be shocked by what you (even as an amateur exterminator) can find.

Key Takeaways

The bathroom is a haven for bugs! It’s the perfect breeding ground because of all the moisture and food.

Some common bugs in bathrooms include, among others, cockroaches, silverfish, moths, spiders, drain flies, and earwigs.

Regardless of which type you have infesting your space, all exterminators agree there are ways of stopping the crawlies from entering and breeding in your bathroom. Some pests enter through windows or doors left open, others find their way inside by crawling up drains from underneath the house or office building where wastewater collects.

In the end, it’s always best to catch plumbing and humidity issues in your bathroom before you have something worse than just a bug problem!

Categories: safety


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